
Details about the land of Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Yavatmal 

Area Available with KVK and its Utilization (Area in ha.)

Sr. No. Particulars  
1 Gross Area of KVK 11.47 ha
2 Net Cultivable Area 10.27
3 Area under Cultivation in  2022-23                                              
3.1 Kharif 10.27
3.2 Rabi
3.3 Summer
4 Area under roads, buildings & ponds 1.20
5 Area under forest
6 Area under plantation 01.00
7 Pasture land
8 Fallow
9 Any other Specify
  Total (Sr. No. 2 & 4 to 9 = Sr. No.1) 11.47 ha